Monday, November 2, 2015


Kindergarten students do NOT receive a "Progress Report" on November 5th when Grades 1 to 6 students will be receiving theirs. However, during our interview evening on November 12th we will let you know how your child is adjusting to school life and how Senior K students are progressing with the academic aspects as well. 

At this point in the year, we expect most SK students to minimally be able to print their name, know at least half their letters and some sounds, and count to 20 or beyond. (Many students are able to do more than this.) However, if your child is struggling in any area, please work on these at home to encourage and support their efforts.

Interview night is scheduled for Thursday, November 12. You can book your own interview online, time slots between 3 to 5 pm or 6 to 8 pm will be available for those who want to meet with their child's teacher
**The online link and instructions are being sent home in a blue letter.**