Tuesday, March 14, 2017


ADDitude Magazine is an extremely useful resource for anyone dealing with children. 
Although not every child has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), the articles in this wonderful online magazine presents numerous great parenting strategies that are good practice for all parents and children whether a child has ADD or not. 

I highly recommend this resource to parents and teachers! I find it very informative and a valuable resource that helps me with the many challenges I face as a classroom teacher.  

Check it out through the link below.
(This is an example of the most recent articles posted on March 10, 2017)


FYI: I subscribe, so you may have to do so. (?)]

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Our French vocabulary focus will include both
 Community Helpers and Transportation / Les Moyens de Transport

We will be exploring such concepts as movement and travel with a 
particular focus on classification (land, water, and air travel). 

The children will be using classroom manipulatives to sort and compare vehicles 
according to, for example, shape and/or function.

Language activities for JK's will continue to focus on letter sound /symbol association 
and making personal connections to stories. 
SK's will focus on high-frequency sight words / popcorn words and 
reading comprehension and questioning
 Thank you for your ongoing support and reinforcement at home.

      MARCH BREAK will be   
March 13 to 17

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are requesting that all parents please talk to their child about appropriate toileting behaviours

We have an ongoing issue with problems in our Kindergarten washrooms. 

Children constantly forget to flush the toilet. Some children urinate all over the toilet seat, walls, and floors. Other children leave the taps running and/or stuffing paper towels down the sink and plugging the drains to the point of flooding the entire washroom and beyond! These behaviours are totally unacceptable and are causing a lot of frustration for our hardworking custodian. This has continued to happen despite numerous lessons
[*At least half dozen teachers are flushing toilets all day long!! (Yikes!)] 

[*Our poor custodian is being called down to clean the washrooms several times a day!]

Please assist us by reinforcing proper habits at home and talking about how to be respectful and considerate of others when you share space. We would really appreciate your support in this regard. 

Thank you for taking the time to reinforce proper behaviours.