Monday, March 2, 2015


       Students are invited to wear a hat on Friday, March 6 as part of our "Hats for Hope" Lenten project. Please send ina $1 or $2 for Shepherds of Good Hope and have fun!
We continue to discuss Community Helpers this month and will also add the subject of Transportation / Les Moyens de Transport theme as a focus for our French vocabulary. We will be exploring such concepts as movement and travel. Included is a focus on classification (land, water, and air travel). The children will be using classroom manipulatives to sort and compare vehicles according to, for example, shape and function.

Language activities for JK's will continue to focus on letter sound / symbol association and making personal connections to stories, while SK activities will include a focus on reading comprehension and questioning. Please continue to encourage writing using complete sentences, (with a capital at the beginning, spaces between words, and period at the end), as well as to practice high-frequency sight words / popcorn words. Thank you for your ongoing support.

      MARCH BREAK will be   March 14 to 22