Monday, September 8, 2014

SORRY- sheet and yard problems

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The crib sheet idea works beautifully on some of the mats but not at all on others. So therefore, if the sheet is working well, we will leave it on but if it is rolling up the mat then we will send it home.

We have since learned that many types of yoga mats are machine-washable, so we can send home mats upon request - such as Christmas and March Break - for cleaning.  Please send us a note whenever you would like us to send it home..

We will also be sending home yoga mat bags, as these get misplaced then found without names. It is a quicker clean-up after Quiet Time to just put the mat in the cubby area. (It takes enough time rolling mats and folding blankets.) 

We have not been able to use the green space nor the climber & sand area beside us as new policy prohibits students going off school property. Mrs. Campbell is creating a permission form that gives us consent to go off school property, which will go home this week. When we have the form signed and returned, we will again be able to play in the park with the climber.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding in regards to these little issues as we grow and learn about the Full Day Kindergarten Program.