Monday, September 1, 2014


There  are three JK-SK blended groups of 30 children. Each group will include a full time Early Childhood Educator (ECE), a French teacher (half the day), and English teacher (half the day). Two of the groups will also include an Educational Assistant.  These adults are referred to as the Kindergarten TEAM.  

The classes will be referred to by a colour name rather than by teacher since there is a team in each room.

RED GROUP team: - Chris Blahout is the French teacherCasey Bradley is the English teacher and Katrina Damiano is the Early Childhood Educator (ECE) and; Jennifer Carnegie (am) & Cathy Heer (pm) are the Educational Assistants (EA)

BLUE GROUP team: - Casey Bradley  is the English teacher ; Chris Blahout is the French teacher and Kathryn Unger is the Early Childhood Educator (ECE) who will stay in the room.

GREEN GROUP team: - Natasha Belaire is the English teacher ; Megan Holmes is the French teacher ; Lisa Gordon is the Early Childhood Educator (ECE) and Jen Legari (am) & Jenny Guerard (pm) are the Educational Assistants (EA)

It will be an exciting year of learning for everybody!!