Monday, June 9, 2014


       The SK's will have a fun, fitness field trip at:

    Friday, JUNE 20

Students will be developing or enhancing their balance and coordination skills, as well as strengthening both large and small muscle groups.  

We will depart from the school at 12:40 and return by 2:40.

There is no need for volunteers on this field trip as the children will have several trained coaches supervising them plus 4 teachers.

Due to the nature of our field trip we kindly request that girls wear shorts or pants (no dresses /skirts) and please tie back hair.  All children should wear comfortable clothing that allows them to move freely.  

Please remember that children will participate in gymnastic activities in their bare feet.

Please pack a small snack.
We will be eating while we are there.

Please sign and return the permission slip  as soon as possible