Wednesday, November 20, 2013


On Thursday, November 28th we have a special event planned for all Kindergarten classes - a PUPPET SHOW!   The school activity fee provides the funding for this wonderful "Rock the Arts" performance. The show presents puppets conveying important messages and includes an interactive workshop.

We would like to ask parents to please remind your child to keep all toys at home. Pokeman cards that are shared with friends can sometimes be a happy transaction and sometimes not - which is a problem.

A friendly reminder to ensure your child is ALWAYS DRESSED for the weather conditions. We try to play outdoors for 10-20 minutes every day. Please send mittens (instead of gloves) as they are easier for your child to put on.  The goal in Kindergarten is to achieve dressing INDEPENDENTLY so please practice and reinforce this habit at home. Also remember the sequence we practice: "pants, boots, coat, hat, and LAST comes MITTS".  We would appreciate if you could do the same at home.

Thank you for your support.