Monday, February 6, 2017


The new report card is called "Communication of Learning". 

Here is how the Ministry of Education describes it:
(The link to the entire document is below)

Evaluation and Observation

Educators observe your child work with other children, adults and materials. They see and hear what children create, and how they work with materials (e.g., paint, blocks, crayons, books, etc.), as they show their thinking and learning. Educators have many conversations with your child to understand how your child is making sense of their experiences. They also observe how children problem solve, use social skills, and how they understand their own thoughts and feelings. Educators use these conversations and observations in gathering as much information as possible about your child’s learning.
Educators analyse this information to evaluate your child’s Key Learning and Growth in Learning in relation to the overall expectations of the Kindergarten Program. This evaluation is reflected in the comments they write on the Communication of Learning report.
(click here for the Ministry of Ed. document:  A Parent’s Guide to Kindergarten Communication of Learning)