Saturday, February 13, 2016


Term 1 report cards go home on February 18 
and will be followed by interviews on Wednesday, February 24 between 3:15 to 5:30 pm. 
[Interviews will be by REQUEST ONLY.]

Just a reminder that, as per Board policy, 
Junior Kindergarten students' reports will be comprised of anecdotal* comments. (*No marks)
Senior Kindergarten will have both marks & comments. 

** Please RETURN the report card envelope, as we will recycle/ re-use it for the June reports.  

In regards to "marks", as listed on the developmental key, a 'DE' indicates that your child is "Developing as Expected", = meeting the Kindergarten program expectations as outlined by the Ministry of Education. Children who are demonstrating skills (< in class) that are significantly above ministry standards would merit a WD’, which signifies the skill is Well Developed”
'BDindicates that a child is “Beginning to Develop” the skill in question and requires further reinforcement. A 'NTsignifies "Needs more Time and experience", as the skill or expectation in question has not yet begun to develop or is not being demonstrated at school.

If your child receives a mark of BD or NT, it may have something to do with their birth date; a month or two more of life experience is a significant percentage in the life of a four & five year old. Or it may mean they simply need a little more support and practice at home to reinforce some skills, such as rote counting and letter-sound recognition. This is why Kindergarten is a two year program.