Saturday, May 2, 2015


May 13th FIELD TRIP to the FARM!

On Wednesday, May 13th the Kindergarten classes will be visiting the Farm – also known as the Museum of Agriculture located on the corner of Experimental Farm Drive & Prince of Wales Drive. 

This special event not only expands and enriches our animal discussions but also provides a firsthand experience of Spring and new life on a farm. 

We will depart from the school at 8:45 and return by 11:30 AM.

The cost for this excursion, including student admission and busing fees, will be provided by the Activity Fee fund. 

Due to time constraints, we will not be 
eating a snack at the farm; so we will leave lunch bags & backpacks at school

Please note that our excursion will occur regardless of the weather conditions since most of the tour takes place inside the barns. Please have your child dressed appropriately for farm conditions.

We are seeking volunteers to help supervise children, so if you wish to join in, check the "YES" box on the permission slip and include $1 to cover your entrance fee. Also there may be some empty seats on the bus - so please let us know if you are interested in travelling with us. Otherwise, please meet the bus in the main parking lot between 9 - 9:15 am. (Off of Prince of Wales Dr.)

Please return your child's permission form to attend the field trip as soon as possible. 

Thank you.