Saturday, January 10, 2015


Dear Parents / Guardians,

Report cards are around the corner, they will be arriving February 12th.

As we update our assessments of your child's knowledge in Math, it has come to our attention that many children do not RECOGNIZE NUMERALS to 20 and beyond.  Many of them are also not able to COUNT as high as they should at this point in the program.  We practice these skills every day and we would really like all students to be able to count to 100 by June, so we are asking for your assistance.

PLEASE PRACTICE identifying and printing numerals at home and point out numbers in the environment whenever you have the opportunity to do so. Teach your child their phone number, address, and birth date.

Also try to do some counting up to and beyond 50 whenever you can. Use small toys or common household items, such as spoons, lego etc. Based on your child's current ability, work your way up from 10, then 20, then 30, etc. progressing on a weekly basis for each group of 10. Meaningful repetition is better than drill; so count items they are interested in. Ask questions like: "I wonder how many legos are in that container? Let's find out!"

Remember the rule: "Attention span is the same number of minutes as age in years." Therefore, a 5 year old child is only capable of focusing for a MAXIMUM of 5 minutes! Make it fun and they will be motivated to learn. Good luck!