Friday, December 26, 2014

A BIG THANK YOU to our unsung HEROS!

We would like to send out love and gratitude to our wonderful custodians, ERIC GUENTHER - day time - and GETAHUN (Getty) OKE - evening.  

Without these two hard-working, kind gentlemen our school would not be as clean, safe, and cared for as it is every day! 
A hero is:
a man of distinguished ability, admired for his deeds and 
noble qualities.
These great men are heroes who work very hard, not only during their regular daily shifts, but are also working at school over the holidays while we are all off enjoying ourselves! Throughout the year, they not only keep our school clean but also keep our students safe! [If you thank your mailman or newspaper delivery person, think how much MORE IMPORTANT your child's school custodian is to your family.]

We want to take this opportunity to send them a public "Thank you"! These two devoted workers often go above and beyond the call of duty, helping teachers, the daycare program, the Principal, the Office Administrator, Board & Service officials, after-school organizations, as well as parents and children with a wide variety of tasks! (Wow!) 

"Thank you Mr. Eric and Mr.Getty"! 
You are the real heroes of our school!