Friday, November 28, 2014

Christmas Craziness CALMED with ADDitude!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As a teacher, I subscribe to a very insightful magazine called "ADDitude" ( ), which provides numerous strategies and support for children with ADD, ADHD (Atttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and LD (Learning Disability). 

I have discovered that the suggestions, tips, ideas, explanations, etc. that are shared in their articles can easily be applied to ALL children - not only those with a diagnosis. Many of the strategies the experts suggest are sound, positive practice and can often be used in any and all parenting (or teaching) situations. 

I am passing on an interesting, common-sense article that would benefit all families for the upcoming Christmas season. Although your child, most likely, does not have an ADD diagnosis, these tips are definitely applicable to every child during hectic holiday times, especially where diets and routines (particularly sleep times) are not regular. Check out: