Monday, May 12, 2014

Mme. Blahout's SHARING TIME = SHOW and TELL is cancelled.

I have implemented a "Sharing Time" for over 2 weeks now in the hopes that it would further develop and enrich oral language skills. This is not happening

Unfortunately, it has turned into a toy competition, which is what I had feared. In fact, items that have been brought to school have become a constant distraction during structured learning times and a source of conflict during play times.

I am now asking all parents to PLEASE ensure their child does NOT bring toys* (*including Pokemon cards, sticker books, etc.) to school.  This has always been the rule but when 'Sharing Time' was announced it seemed to open the flood-gates for toys.  

When the afternoon students in SENIOR Kindergarten join the regular school-wide outdoor recess in June, then they may bring appropriate outdoor toys. This means toys such as balls, skipping ropes, which are only for this purpose.

Thank you for your help and consideration in this regard.
Mme. Blahout