Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Announcing SHARING TIME!

Now that our "Star of the Week (JKs) / VIP of the Week (SKs)" programs are completed, we will have a daily "Leader" called the "Star of the Day".  This person will get to be the leader in line and have first choice in various activities. We will not have a schedule for this 'Star' and there will not be a "show & tell" aspect connected to this title. 

Every day, several children want to share something with their classmates, such as stories, songs, toys/possessions, or events in their lives.  As wonderful as these are, they often become disruptive to the flow of a lesson or even take away from other classroom activities. So, we are going to set aside some time each day to acknowledge and validate their interests. We want to actively demonstrate that we value all forms of communication, and help them further develop these skills.

To encourage oral language development, an understanding of adjectives, and the importance of adding details to descriptions, we will set aside approximately 5-10 minutes at the end of each day for a few children to describe an event, sing a song, or show an item that they wish to share. We will also ask a few children to describe something they learned or discovered that day. This will be called "Sharing Time".  

We are hoping that this time will add to the learning of others and consolidate learning for those who are doing the sharing.  

Please guide your little one in their choices so that the focus of "Sharing Time" remains on oral language development and not about "who has the best toys", so please continue to restrict toys from coming to school. If your child really wants to bring something to show, then encourage a special souvenir from a relative or a memento from a special event or vacation. Songs, stories and inquiry-based exploration in the classroom at the various learning centres are the best ideas and use of this "Sharing Time".

As our partners in education, we encourage parents to also extend and challenge their 
child's language by modelling and helping them develop their vocabulary and grammar skills.

Thank you again for your support and collaboration in all aspects of your child's education.