Thursday, August 8, 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

WELCOME to the 2013-14 school year, which begins on Tuesday, September 3rd.  Here is some essential info. for everybody.

Morning classes run between 8:25 AM and  10:55 AM.
Afternoon classes run between 12:25 PM and 2:55 PM.

For safety reasons, visitors (including parents) must sign in at the office whenever entering the school.

The BUS LANE in front of the school is a restricted area for buses & staff ONLY.  PLEASE do NOT park or drop-off students in the curved drive-through lane at any time of day. Use the street or parking lot ONLY. Thank you.

Please always dress your child for outdoor conditions as we usually play in the yard every day.

Feel free to contact the teacher if you have any concern or question (no matter how trivial it may seem) as home-school communication is a priority in order to work as a productive "educational team".

We would like to WELCOME you all to KINDERGARTEN!!