Thursday, April 18, 2013

Listening, subtraction, and Rhymes

This week, we have been working in pairs to practice our listening and speaking skills. One student will hold the "talking stick" while the other student must listen carefully. Once finished speaking, the student will pass the talking stick to their friend so they may share their ideas and thoughts. This is a great way for students to constantly be immersed in oral language, to learn how to take turns in a conversation and how to deal with interruptions . We have tried this several times during morning circle. We pair up to make predictions about stories and to answer questions. Oral language is incredibly important for future reading success- the more talking students do, the better! 

We have also tried a new game this week (I tricked you 6!) It's a great introduction to subtraction- no paper or pencils- just beads, pom poms and a pipe cleaner. I have six pom poms and I hide some in one hand while I show them the rest. They put six beads on a pipe cleaner. If I show them 2 pom poms, they slide two beads over and have four beads in the centre of the pipe they yell out "4"!!  

We have continued with rhymes..we are trying to personalize nursery rhymes by adding their names. I encourage parents to teach nursery rhymes at home!

I have also changed attendance into a literacy activity everyday....this week, I have pretended to have poor eyesight. I substitution the first letter of their name with a new sound. So, "Linda" might become "Minda". They correct me every time and are learning how to isolate beginning sounds at the same time! They also find it hilarious!